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*Council Approved for Cub Scout Camping through November 2025*

One of the nation’s largest public campgrounds, Fort Stevens marks the site of a military installation once used to guard the mouth of the Columbia River. The fort saw service for 84 years, from the Civil War to World War II.

Today, Fort Stevens is a 4,300-acre park offering a variety of recreation adventures, including camping, beach-combing, a freshwater lake, trails, wildlife viewing, and an historic shipwreck. Park features include:

  • Coffenbury Lake has two picnic areas with swimming, restrooms and boat ramp. A 2-mile trail circles the lake.
  • Columbia Shore Disc Golf Course
  • 15 miles of multiuse trails
  • Views of the Columbia River Bar from the South Jetty Observation Tower
  • Adult and youth bike rentals
  • Kayak Tillamook offers kayak tours on Trestle Bay.  Call 503-866-4808.
  • Fort Stevens marks the northern-most trailhead for the Oregon Coast Trail

Historic Military Site

Enjoy year-round military displays at the military museum and information center. Visit the only Civil War era earthen fort on the west coast, or explore the many turn-of-the-century, concrete artillery gun batteries. Underground tours are available during the summer of a gun battery that served as a World War II command center. For tour information, call the Friends of Old Fort Stevens  at 503-861-2000.

Fort Stevens State Park - Oregon State Parks

Youth Category
Difficulty Rating
Difficulty: Easy
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